About Me

December 5, 2018

Oh Hey Friends I’m Alexis. My titles include photographer, videographer, educator, artist, world traveler, wife, and mama to the wildest twin boys. I dig the messy and the real, I cry when I listen to a really good song, and I believe there’s not much that can’t be cured by some time in the mountains.  […]


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I'm Alexis. Photographer, World Traveler, Wife, Twin Mom, and lover-of-all-things-pumpkin.

Here you'll find the sessions I've done, advice for photographers and future clients, and the occasional personal post starring my favorites humans.

I like to keep it real, if you dig that then I'll probably dig you.

meet the blogger


For a limited time, I am giving away free engagement pictures to anyone who books a wedding package with me!

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