The Choy Family | Oahu, Hawaii

Apr 19, 2018

I had so much fun shooting the cute Choy family while I was in Oahu in January and I can’t believe I’m just now getting around to blogging their adorable session. Emily was one of the local photographers who attended my Hawaii workshop, and I loved having the opportunity to get to know her a little bit throughout the week. Her little family is so precious so I’m so happy I was able to capture a few great pictures for them during my stay. AND, I’m extremely excited for these guys as they just announced they’re getting ready to welcome another little baby into their family! How wonderful is that?!

I loved everything about this shoot, from the tall trees and greenery to their perfectly coordinated outfits. Cute little Milo was NOT wanting to sit still for photos, so we did our best to play with him and get him moving as much as we could. That little boy was so full of energy and just reminded me so much of my own two kiddos. (What is it about boys that makes them so much more energetic?!)

Anyways, this session was every family photographers dream and I’m so happy to finally be sharing their pictures with you! Take a look!




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I'm Alexis. Photographer, World Traveler, Wife, Twin Mom, and lover-of-all-things-pumpkin.

Here you'll find the sessions I've done, advice for photographers and future clients, and the occasional personal post starring my favorites humans.

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